The Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) Tool team part of the School of Public Affairs at American University is excited to announce that we have relaunched the Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) Program Assessment Tool (RED tool).
The RED Tool was developed to help treatment court professionals identify and examine areas where racial and ethnic disparities may exist in their court programs. The RED Program Assessment Tool assesses treatment court programs, not specific individuals, through a series of open and closed-ended questions focused on: court information, intake, assessments, demographics, team members, training, drug choices and treatment/support services, and evaluation and monitoring.
What should you know about the RED tool?
- It’s FREE, user-friendly, and uses a secure and confidential web-based platform.
- It’s a comprehensive assessment for treatment court programs.
- It provides recommendations to treatment court teams.
Why relaunch?
- It allowed us to update the RED tool questions based on new research.
- We created tracks for Family Treatment Courts, Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts, and Mental Health Courts.
- It gave us an opportunity to develop e-learning modules to correspond with the eight sections of the assessment. The modules are designed to be taken as a court team.
Taking the assessment will help treatments courts identify where the gaps are and provide team members with practical recommendations.
To complete the assessment, register here or log in with your court’s ID and password.
If you have any questions, email us at redtool@american.edu.
Spread the word! Thank you.